Friday, January 28


We've all had the plague this week.

It started on Sunday afternoon, as we lazed about on the sofa spending time together. Kadon came down with a fever, and acted sleepy and sick. We canceled our dinner plans with friends and settled in for the night, dosing him with ibuprofen before bed and hoping for the best. My Monday morning, Kevin and I were both sick. The symptoms of the household have ranged from fevers, violent coughing, runny and/or stuffy noses, body aches, chills, upset stomach, and sore throat. Thankfully, not all of us have had all the same symptoms at all the same time. Kadon stayed home Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and Kevin finally went into the office for about 2 hours yesterday and has been there all day today.

I actually skipped the gym every day this week. THAT'S how sick we've been.

On top of it all, I also haven't been able to sleep. I tossed and turned all night long Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, never getting a solid night of rest. I napped fitfully during the day some, but by yesterday morning my spirits in particular were at an all time low. I called the doctor and made an appointment for this morning, convinced that the 'burn in my chest' cough I was experiencing was pneumonia, that I was NEVER going to get better, and that holycrapIthinkdyingmightbeeasierjustshootmenow. Poor Kevin was at his wits end dealing with me, as my attitude unraveled and my spirits spiraled downward.

Finally, last night I broke down and, as I held a feverish Kadon in my arms, asked for a priesthood blessing for both of us. Kadon writhed and cried through his-a phenomenon I have witnessed before and still don't understand-but later when I received mine, I was promised sleep and recovery. The recovery part didn't surprise seems a fairly standard practice to be promised the blessing of recovery when receiving a blessing for sickness. I was thrilled, though, at the promise of sleep.

After the blessing, Kevin sat back down in front of his computer where he has spent the majority of his week, even sick, and continued to work. I laid on the guest bed in his office and attempted to read, but was sound asleep by 8 o'clock. I woke intermittently throughout the evening, sometimes exchanging a few words with him as he worked, once requesting ice cream, but always fell back asleep quickly. At midnight Kevin woke me and we both retired to our bedroom. I slept soundly until 6:30 this morning. By 7:30 I decided that the trip to the doctor wasn't necessary after all, and I called to cancel the early morning appointment.

Today, I'm focusing on trying to put the house back together. Kadon is home from school again, but Kevin felt well enough to go into the office and my cough seems to finally be breaking up some of the mucous in my chest.

I'm so grateful to be on the mend. I think next time I'll stock up on ice cream in advance, though. Having to run to the grocery store to get your fix when you're feeling awful is less than perfect.

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