Sunday, December 13


I was doing so much better about updating...and then I got behind, and the longer I waited, the more behind I got. I decided it would be better to get on and at least provide snippets of what's been going on, lest my readers think I've abandoned them again.

*Brooklyn briefly attempted potty training, which was an absolute failure. No worries, she's still got plenty of time.

*Brooklyn discovered how easy it is to remove her own clothing. No worries, I'm mellow, and I don't mind her wandering around naked as long as I keep the heat high enough.

*Brooklyn discovered poop. This one made me worry. More on that story later, but I'm guessing you'll want to read that particular one on an empty stomach.

*I finally finished school for the semester, and grades were posted this week. I got an A in both my classes, which gives me my first-ever 4.0. I'm pretty excited about that!

*I set up childcare for next quarter. The kids are finally starting at an actual daycare, and I have mixed feelings about that. I'm looking forward to the continuity of who is watching them, and I think they'll probably do well when they're all divided by age. Grief-wise, daycare is yet another tie that has been severed. It's been a tough one, but not as tough as I had feared it would be.

*I've officially decided to stay home for Christmas this year. Again, a tough decision, but one I'm feeling comfortable with right now. I've invited the missionaries over, but other than that it will be just the kids and I.

*The ward Christmas party was last night, and some friends and I were able to put together a few pieces to sing. It was a lot of fun, and reminds me how much I have missed singing with friends! Wish I could make time for it in my schedule more often...

I know there's more. Things that have been rolling around in my head, and I'm past due to sit down and write a really deep post, but it's not going to be tonight. I'm starting to feel a bit of the holiday blues, and although they aren't as depressing and heavy as they were last year, I am still stuck trying to figure out how to get through it all. I wonder if Christmas is ever going to feel happy and carefree again, or if there will always be an undertone of sadness and loss to this time of year?

1 comment:

Sara, Nick, and kids said...

wow. where do you have them enrolled for daycare? i bet you will like the consistency... and appreciate how dependable they are... lol
but your kids are cute- they will be fine :)
your songs with the girls were way cute! and your flute playing today was fabulous! and you play the piano.... i wonder what it would be like to have so many talents...