Friday, September 14


You guys, I am so brimming full of gratitude/excitement/happiness I can hardly express myself, so bear with me. Last week Ammon interviewed for yet another programming job in Cincinnati. This job seemed perfect to us, and to him, and he felt that the interview went really well, but we didn't dare get our hopes up. They said they would contact him by the middle of this week, so when Wednesday, then Thursday crept by with nary a word, we figured he hadn't gotten it. Fast forward to this morning at about 11:00--I was upstairs after having showered, making the bed. DH was outside with the kids playing frisbee, when the phone rang. I looked expectantly at the caller ID, and lo and behold it was DH's prospective employer. I yelled his name (he couldn't hear me) grabbed the phone off the base, and took off at a sprint (well, as much as I CAN sprint at this point) to get to him. He grabbed the phone from my hand and went inside to take the call. Guys, I couldn't even bring myself to follow him. I simply sat down in the chair outside the front door and stared blankly at my children playing on the lawn. After what seemed like an eternity, I can hear Ammon yelling from inside the house, as he was walking toward the front door. He stepped out on the patio, looked at me, and said "I got the job". I felt like my heart stopped and the world stood still for a minute. I looked at him and said "You what?" He repeated himself, and I immediately started to cry. This job pays $35,000 a year to start, which in this area is more than enough to buy a reasonably priced house and start dreaming about the future. I am so grateful that we have stayed strong through this ordeal, been uplifting to each other, and had the good sense to realize that although the last two+ months have been difficult, it's a rare chance to be able to spend so much time together. I truly feel as though the Lord has had a plan for us all along, and I'm so grateful that Ammon has been able to be around for the last weeks of my pregnancy, making my life infinitely easier. We've managed just fine financially up until the last couple of weeks, and just as things were beginning to reach a head--this job falls into our laps. Never say that the Lord doesn't have a plan, no matter how dismal things seem. Today, our prayers have been answered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad for you guys! You guys have been in my prayers. Let me know when you guys get all settled.