Tuesday, August 15


Last night we had a horrible thunderstorm. Ammon and I had turned out the lights kind of late, not settling down until about 11 o'clock. Ammon, as usual, was out quickly, and I followed suit soon after. However, at about 1 o'clock in the morning, I was awoken by these terrific flashes of light in our bedroom. Our bedroom window is right above our bed, serving as our headboard almost, and when I looked up to see what all the light was, I witnessed some of the most fantastic lightening I have ever seen!! I tried valiantly to go back to sleep, as I knew my children would be up bright and early regardless of my nocturnal awakening, but the light kept flashing, and the thunder kept rolling. The combined two made me terrible uneasy. You see, Ammon likes to tease me because I am terribly frightened of thunder. I don't like the large crashes, and am especially unsettled by the large crashes that seem to shake your whole house off the foundations. Last night, however, I was at least frightened by the right thing. Something about the way the lightening arced across the sky left me feeling more than vaguely disturbed. I even managed to wake Ammon up so that he could comfort me, and he promptly rolled over, settled under the comforter, and told me to go back to sleep. Honestly!! Who could sleep through a storm like that?!?! Anyway, shortly after the thunder started, the rain began. I got up and went throughout the house shutting windows, and sat in front of the large window in our living room for several minutes, entirely certain that our little town would soon be struck from the planet. I finally returned to bed about 10 minutes later, and resolutely turned away from the window and draped the blankets partially over my eyes to block the flashes of lightening. I tried valiantly to ignore the thunder, and I finally managed to drift off again, and slept peacefully until Kadon started calling for me at 7:15 this morning.

P.S. I thought I should add that this is a picture that I found on the internet. I had somebody else ask me how I got that cool shot, so I didn't want to cause any confusion!

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