Friday, August 24


I wasn't expecting much for my birthday this year. Knowing our finances, the time Ammon had available, and the resources that he had at his fingertips, I didn't expect a big celebration. In the weeks leading up to my birthday, I only made on request: a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. In the days leading up to my birthday I had lost most hope even for that, chalking it up to Ammon's 'male forgetfulness'. How wrong I was.
The Sunday of my birthday dawned bright and hot. The morning consisted of the normal scramble to get the children ready for church, the toy bag packed, and scriptures located. I managed to force down something small for breakfast, and then we attended church. After church Kadon and Mommy took a nap, after which we planned to go over to Angela's house for Sunday dinner. The invitation had been made on a whim a few days beforehand, and I was positive that nothing 'funny' was going on. How wrong I was.
When we arrived at Angela's house, Angela was standing out on the front porch, which I thought was a little odd. Secondly, when we walked into the house there were streamers and balloons festooning the living room. Again, I'm still not convinced that there is anything going on, but the living room, despite the festive decorations, is strangely empty and quiet. As I rounded the corner into the rest of the house, people began streaming out of the kitchen. Angela's entire family, along with the terHorst family from Cincinnati had all gathered together for a birthday meal. The menu consisted of my favorite cornell chicken, funeral potatoes, and a fabulous fruit salad (of which I ate mounds and mounds). After dinner? You guessed it. A very large carrot cake. Nothing like a surprise party and carrot cake to make a girl feel special, loved, and appreciated. Thanks guys!!

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