Friday, October 2


To really, truly appreciate the 'after' pictures of my basement, you must first appreciate that this is the before:Everybody banded together to get the job done, including my landlord (in the khaki's) and one of the young men in the ward that my landlord hired to do some work at the house.
Another man in the ward, brother to the young man, did a large amount of the work, including painting the entire upstairs in colors of my choice, along with odd jobs that are too numerous for me to mention.

I literally couldn't picture myself living here with the basement in this state, and may not have taken the house if the landlord hadn't agreed to let Russ hang drywall before I moved in.

I'll try to post the 'middle' pictures tomorrow. It's a transformation I'm proud of, though I had little to do with it other than request that it be done.


Mimi Collett said...

Oooooh. So that's what it used to look like. Man. Who is that hottie that did work for you? Hmm. Yummy!

Victoria said...

Michelle, that's gross. I'm pretty sure Bob is married!