Thursday, January 10

The Master Suite

Sounds fancy, huh? Alright, here's the dirt: (actually, there's not much dirt. I keep it pretty clean, and I don't think we've technically lived here long enough to make it dirty. Just a funny saying, you know?)

Obviously, this is the bed. The window overlooks our lovely parking, and I made the drapes myself. We have the great luck of living in the center of the building, so the security light is right outside our window. I mean RIGHT outside our window. We didn't sleep for the first four days that we lived here, which is exactly how long it took me to unpack my sewing machine, find a fabric store, and make these extra-thick lined drapes. What a difference a dark room makes to your REM cycle....
This is standing in front of said window, facing into our bathroom. Don't tell me that my wall hanging is crooked, it's already driving me nuts. I'll have you know, after I took this picture and uploaded it onto my computer, I ran right back upstairs to straighten it. Pure laziness that I didn't retake the picture again, but I thought about it. That's just the kind of neurotic that I am. Did I mention the master bathroom? LOVE IT!!

Ta da! We have officially come full circle. This, my friends, is the closet door. The same closet door that I was standing in front of last time I posted.
So, now that you've seen the whole layout, what do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like it! I can't wait until we can move over there.