Thursday, September 18


Kadon's first day of preschool was technically while I was in Utah, but because I wanted to take him the first time myself, he didn't go until the following week. It's a two day a week program, on Monday and Tuesday mornings. It runs during the same hours as Jeremy's kindergarten, but because of the power outage both school districts were canceled on Monday. By Tuesday the district that houses preschool was back in session, so Kadon finally got to have his official first day. He was wary at first, but I worked on him all morning and by the time we left....well, you can see for yourself how he felt about it. I could barely get him to stand still long enough to take pictures!!

I love the sheer joy on his face. I can't get enough of the innocence of my kids.
Jeremy was actually pretty excited to be there for his brother's first day, and told him stories about what to expect the entire ride.
Kadon in his classroom. I got a few pictures here, but most of them turned out pretty weird because he was so busy darting from station to station.
Each child has a cubby with their name on it, and this is Kadon's. Love the big cheesy smile!!

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