Tuesday, February 13

Another Day

Another day, another tantrum. Right now I'm listening to the sound of Kadon having a major temper tantrum. I mean a tantrum including the screams of rage, the kicking feet, and the banging of his head against the door he is sitting in front of. I was checking my email this morning when I heard Jeremy screaming in his bedroom. I went to investigate, to find Kadon standing over him, hitting him repeatedly about the head and shoulders. Kadon has had a serious temper and hitting problem lately, which I know is inclement to his age, so I grabbed him by the arm, swat him good on the bum (which I hardly ever do) and placed him directly in time-out. My kids are feeling just well enough today to be cranky, whiny, and combative, but not well enough to go anywhere. I am missing my institute class today because Kadon isn't well enough to go to nursery, and Jeremy is missing pre-school for the second day in a row because he still has a horrible couch and is crying at the drop of a hat. I know the old saying goes 'This too shall pass', but today, I'm having a hard time believing that. I suppose only time will tell.

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