Friday, February 2

Super Bowl!

I went to the grocery store today in order to purchase supplies for our annual Super Bowl party. It's very exciting this year, because Ammon's favorite NFL team, the Indianapolis Colts is meeting up against the favorite team of some friends of ours, the Bears. We had planned to have a super bowl party and invited these friends LONG before we found out what two teams were going, but it will be fun to have a real live in-house rival to content with while we watch the game. Anyway, today I bought the ingredients to make 7-layer dip, buffalo wings, and hot dogs for the various children that will be in attendance. Other people are bringing cookies, drinks, and a vegetable tray. It should be quite a feast! I'm very excited for our party, and hopefully we're not too embarrassed on our home turf by a losing team!


Laura said...

okay, now that you've described the food that will be presente, I am really getting excited for your party!

Anonymous said...

I am really sad that we won't be able to be there this year. We are going to party the day after. They are going to tape it and then play it for the missionaries who can only watch it monday. I am making shrimp dip for ours. Christina