Thursday, February 22

Missing Again

I know I haven't been around this week. I haven't been feeling well at all, and since Ammon's parents are planning on arriving at our house sometime on Saturday, all my extra energy has been going toward preparing our house for long-term houseguests. Thanksfully, my to-do list has shrunk down to a very reasonable size thanks to the help of my husband, but it is still enough to keep me busy for the next couple of days. I jokingly told Mary the other day that my house is as clean as it's going to get, and if there are things left undone, she's going to have to do them herself when she gets here. I'm grateful for family that is willing to do things to be helpful, and I'm glad that Mary and Russ are comfortable in our home, because we love to have the company! Anyway, I'm going to sign off and get back to work, but I wanted to poke in and at leats let everyone out in cyberspace know that I am in fact alive and reasonably well.

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