Tuesday, May 6


I just got off the phone with somebody, and when it came time to hang up, their end clicked before mine. It just makes me remember, Ammon always waited for the other person to hang up. It bothered me when we first got married, because I had a tendency of waiting too, and we used to get into these 'aren't you going to hang up?' arguments. I asked him about it once, and he said he liked to wait to make sure the other person didn't have a last minute thought they needed to share. Just another way he was always considerate.

On a side note, both Kadon and Brooklyn are sick. Kadon started in with a fever last night, which peaked this afternoon at 102.6. I gave him more ibuprofen, and it brought it down a little bit, and he's napping upstairs. With the Relief Society president's help, I was able to round up some priesthood holders to come over and give him a blessing, but it's another poignant reminder that the priesthood no longer resides in my home. I didn't grow up with that power, but I had gotten used to it over the last several years. I hate that my kids are going to grow up without that comfort. I hate that I have to scramble to find men I barely know when my kids are sick and need that special prayer.


Anonymous said...

Just stopped by to check in on you without bugging you IRL. (((HUGS))). I sure ache for you, which is nothing compared to your aching, I know.

More (((HUGS)))


Unknown said...

Aww I hope the kids feel better real soon.

Anonymous said...

Aw shoot, I'm sorry you have sick kiddos. I hope it passes quickly. Ya know I've been thinking... Even though you don't have a priesthood holder in your home, I'm positively 100% SURE that these brethren are more than willing to come at a second's notice to help you in any way when you need to call on that authority. Also, with a good, strong, faithful mother in the home, your children are blessed every day. The Lord knows your needs and He will provide. Sometimes it is through our friends, neighbors, ward members, other family members, etc. that we are blessed. (I know you know this, I hope I don't come across as preachy) You are always in my prayers. Much love and hugs~~~

Our Crazy Family said...

Oh yucky! I hope Kadon feels better soon. I hope the Antibiotics begin working quickly and that no one else gets it! I know that nothing I say is going to make things better for you with regards to your loss but I just want you to know I love you and I am always thinking of you. (((((((((HUGS))))))))))