Monday, November 10

Exercising Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the ability to have a healthy, strong body that is capable of doing some amazing things. I went to my Zumba class this morning, and as I was sweating along and feeling the pain of intense exertion, I realized something: occasionally I feel self conscious, being the biggest girl in my aerobics class--but at least I'm a big girl that GOES to an aerobics class. That counts for something, right?


Anonymous said...

Yes it does count, it counts alot! I have been wanting to start going to the gym, I drove to the gym only to turn around and go home because I couldn't make myself walk in the gym by myself. :( Nicole

Charlotte said...

You're the biggest girl in your aerobics class?

That must be one skinny-minny aerobics class.

Anonymous said...

you're doing better than I am! I was going walking, but I don't like the cold. My solution? nothing yet.... maybe I'll start my yoga again. ~ Ang

Joanna said...

Victoria you are not the biggest girl in Zumba. I am there. I know.