Tuesday, November 11

Visiting Gratitude

Tonight I am grateful for my visiting teacher. In the LDS church, there are pairs of women that are set up and assigned to visit sisters in the ward. Each pair is generally assigned 3-5 sisters to visit, and they are requested to visit monthly and give a short lesson, along with providing whatever service is deemed appropriate.

My visiting teacher rocks. She just got back from a mission to Brazil with her husband, and has already become dear to me. On Sunday whilst I was in the midst of a pre-meltdown, she insisted that I attend the adult meeting instead of the children's meeting, and I was uplifted. After church, she asked if she could come over this afternoon to give me a break from the kids. She showed up this evening around 4:45 and spent some time reading and playing with the kids while I worked on a paper for my Psychology class, then we had dinner together before bathing the children and getting them to bed. After that we sat in the living room for a short while, and she listened to me cry. I find relief in telling and re-telling the stories about Ammon, and commiserating again and again about the loss and what it has done to our family-but most people get tired of hearing it. Sister Bradford is somebody that hasn't heard the stories before, and it was cathartic to share some of them.

Before she left, she asked if we could make Tuesday afternoon/evening a regular date for the time being, and I gratefully agreed. I am so grateful for visiting teachers. They truly have made a difference in my life.


Our Crazy Family said...

That is wonderful that you have such a wonderful Visiting teacher! I am glad to hear that she is doing a great job helping you out. I still wish I could be there for you though...LOVE YA!

SarahAnne said...

I love Sister Bradford, too! She is doing what I would be if we were close! May heaven's blessings pour out over her as she acts as a servant of the Lord to administer to you and your family, and therefore bless your lives as well! (((HUGS)))

Kaylene said...

That is so awesome that it works out that way, what a wonderful woman! (((HUGS)))

I'm not lucky enough to have a marriage as wonderful as yours, but your positivity helps me, and when I'm really struggling with things the way they are I think of you, and I want to be like you. Of course I don't want your trials, I wish you didn't have to have them, but I want the type of relationship you have, and I want to be the kind of wife who deserves that. (((HUGS)))

I hope that's not insensitive, I don't know how else to put it, I just look up to you!

Camara said...

Oh wow I must have missed this post. What a sweet sister. I teared up reading about her generosity. I hope I can be like her one day with my generosity.