Wednesday, November 5

The Other Guy

I admit it freely. I voted for the other guy. For weeks, I have flip-flopped impressively between the two candidates. The major issues of the day-health care, the economy, and the war in Iraq left me completely unable to choose between the two men. Honestly, neither of them seemed qualified in my eyes to steer our country in the appropriate direction. I sought opinions from almost everybody I know, from both sides of the issues. I faithfully studied the issues through the press, and tried valiantly to make a decision using logic and reason.

In the end, I had to make my decision based on issues that would be deemed trivial by most. I read a blog by a friend of mine, who put the issues of the day in a more eternal and appropriate perspective. When I looked at the choices that way, my choice was immediately clear. I fear for the future of our country under the leadership of a man who wholeheartedly endorses abortion and gay marriage. I know it's not a popular point of view, but it's where I stand. I will watch what the next four years bring us with great trepidation. May we keep God with us.


Amber said...

I am right there with you. I could not support someone who supports abortion or gay marriage. Hopefully things don't get to messed up in the next 4 years.

God bless you and your family!


Unknown said...

I voted for the other guy too.

It's going to be a freaky next four years!

Skybob said...

I guess I think similar to you on this one. I think those are some of the most important issues to look at when choosing a leader. I think it says a lot about the character of the individual. I'm afraid that we might be heading towards socialism as well...I hope I'm wrong.

SarahAnne said...

I'm not afraid to say I voted for McCain, for the same reasons as you. ;o) Anyway, the good thing is that if Obama really screws up the next 4 years, we have a chance to oust him. Alot of damage can be done in 4 years, but it will take a long time for him to make good on all of his promises. It would for any candidate. He might get the wheels of socialism turning, but our country won't stand for it for long, I don't think. At least, I hope not...except that Obama was just elected. ??? Hmmmmm....
I'm hesitant but have faith that this land, which was created and preserved and blessed for us, will still be watched over by our gracious Father. We know that even though evil will become increasingly prevalent in our society that good will prevail!!!

(OK, I think this goes down as the longest comment ever! Aren't you lucky?)