Sunday, December 31

Happy New Year

Here's to a new year, new opportunities, and a new you. Or me, as it were. Today is New Years Eve. The day when most of the country will get so sloshed they won't even remember ringing the new one in. The day when parties and gatherings abound, and much simultaneous kissing will happen at 12:01 am. Tonight, we are having a few close friends over to celebrate the passing of 2006. We are going to play games, eat food, and enjoy one anothers company. And yes, at 12:01 am, I'm sure there will be some kissing. Today is also my last day as a primary teacher. Although I had expressed a half-formed desire to be released when approached by the primary president, I am struck with some very mixed feelings today. These children that I have nurtured throughout the past year, today are going to be moving on without me. We have been through a lot, our little class. I started teaching them on the very first Sunday of the year, and have since then seen one of my students lose a mother to death, another go completely inactive, and still others grow and blossom in ways I didn't think possible when we started down this path. I am going to miss these children, our weekly confidences and giggles as we learn the gospel together. I'm going to miss their little faces so happy to see me after sacrament meeting, and their eager voices telling their parents what we had learned in class that day. I comfort myself with knowing that I've done the best I can with these children. I have tried to guide them and teach them the things that they need to know. When I get sad about leaving primary, I remind myself that it is the kids I am going to miss, and these children are leaving my class whether I stay in primary or not. Anyway, I hope this evening finds each of you in good company, warm and secure in the love in your life. Welcome, 2007!

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