Tuesday, December 26

Super Messy

See that picture? Take a good look at it. This is a graphic image of what super glue will do to a poor, defenseless hand. A hand innocently squeezing a tube of glue, trying to perform a simple home repair. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a hand assaulted. The attack occurred at approximately 8pm MST when the victim was attempting to repair a knob that had broken off of an entertainment center. She retrieved a small tube of Elmer's brand super glue from the utility bin, and settled down in front of the entertainment center with said tube and said knob. The idea was to squeeze a little bit of the super glue into the hole of the knob where the screw holding the knob on the cupboard is supposed to go. Thus, the glue would hold the screw inside the knob, and hold the knob onto the front of the cupboard. Unfortunately, the tube of glue had other ideas. The glue wouldn't come out of the tube easily, and the victim assumed that the glue was simply stuck in the tip. See, the tube had been sitting unused for several months, and the whole 'glue dried in tip theory' seemed like a good one at the time. However, when the tube was rolled from the end and squeezed again, the glue decided to make it's assault. The glue sprayed from the end of the tube like a fire hose, coating the victims hand in the sticky, fast drying substance. The victim immediately ran to the sink, attempting to scrub the glue off with a vigorous hand washing, while the victims significant other laughed uproariously in the background. As the evidence (ie: photo) plainly shows, this attempt failed. If any of you have any tips for removing vicious, attacking glue from skin, they would be greatly appreciated.

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