Monday, January 22

Dentally Challenged

I am truly sick of going to the dentist. Does everybody remembered when I first started posting about my silly toothache? For those of you paying fabulous attention, it was November. The first part of November, actually, was when my dumb tooth started bothering me. Here we are, closing down on January, and I am STILL visiting the dentist on a regular basis. I am very tired of his office, his dental assistants, and tired of finding parking out on the busy street where he is located. His aides are very nice, he's actually a perfectly amiable man, but I am tired of seeing him! I have found numerous sitters for various appointments (at last count: approximately 6) and have even had Ammon stay home once or twice, to save me the hassle of once again finding somebody to stay with my children. I am due for one last appointment the third week in February, and I have scheduled it for President's day, as I'm hoping that it will be a school holiday, and Ammon can therefore stay home with the kids. What, you may ask, has this 4 month ordeal taught me? To get my sorry tuckus to the dentist more often! The several weeks that I suffered with the broken tooth and subsequent infection were not worth avoiding the dentist, and a regular 6 month checkup with the necessary cleanings and fillings would have saved me even that! So yes, I am becoming a dental advocate. Get your teeth cleaned! Brush and floss! And for heaven's sake, locate a dentist with pretty eyes and a nice hairline, because you're going to be seeing it a lot.

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