Tuesday, May 1

Hey, two in a row!

Yup, that's right. Two in a row. Now, aren't you all proud of me?

I bet you are.

Anyway, it looks like we skipped over spring, here in good 'ol Cache Valley. The last two days have been near 80 degrees, and although it is supposed to storm the rest of the week, the low is a mere 66 degrees. Although I have my share of gladness that the long, cold winter has passed, I am not looking forward to the heat that I know is shortly to follow. On Sunday night the temperature in our apartment hovered at around 80 degrees for the better part of the evening, only abating when the sun went down and the wind started to blow. I know that I have a little extra heat going on for myself right now, but even Ammon and the kids were uncomfortable that night, so I know it wasn't all in my belly.

Speaking of my belly, I hate this part of pregnancy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant, I love that my body has the ability to do something as beautiful as create a life, but I have officially reached that unfortunate stage where I can no longer hide my growing tummy, but it also is not large enough to scream "Look! There goes a pregnant lady!" I hate this stage, because after all the weight I have lost in the last year, I know people are tsking to themselves and thinking "There goes Victoria, she's let it all go to pot again, and after all that hard work, too!" Grr. I'll be glad when another month passes and I can answer the gender question and start filling out my maternity clothes. Of course, it doesn't help that I am continuing to lose weight as my morning sickness takes a toll. Again, not complaining, heaven knows I'm not wasting away, but I wish it was either one or the other, you know? Either lose weight and shrink, or gain weight and look pregnant.

Anyway, enough of my whining. I'm off to prepare a scrumptious meal for my family, scrub the dirt of my sons faces, and clean up the house to it appears as thought I actually accomplished something during the hours my husband was out of the house today.

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