Tuesday, February 5

I learned about a neat, and touching tribute to our dear prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley. You can read all about it for yourself here, but in short, this is what's going on: a movement has been started, and is quickly spreading across the world. Knowing of our late Prophet's great love for this scripture, almost 20,000 people have committed to read it in it's entirety within 97 days. One day to commemorate every year of his life. As for myself, I had already set a new year resolution to be better about daily scripture study, but this gives me even more incentive to immerse myself in the scriptures that we are so blessed to have. I urge all the members that read this blog, and even non-members that are so inclined, to sign up and add your name to the list of people who are choosing to honor a great man in a way that surely has him shaking his head with great affection beyond the veil of death.

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