Friday, February 1


Here is an update on all things update-able (is that a word?) Potty training, which I mentioned here is going pretty well. We've gotten pretty confident about leaving the house in underwear (even Ammon--aren't you proud?!), but I always make sure I have a grocery bag with a spare pair of pants and underwear in my bag. We're still having issues with naptime and bedtime, such that we recently cut out Kadon's bedtime sippy cup. For years the kids have been allowed to have a sippy cup of water in bed, but in the hopes that Kadon will eventually learn to stay dry during the night, we've recently done away with the water in bed. Kadon has handled the transition surprisingly well so far, but Jeremy is another story. Tonight he cried for a full 15 minutes after I shut off the light, then finally succumbed to hiccuping sleep. I'm hoping that tomorrow is more successful.

Speaking of sleeping, hiccuping, and bodily functions in general, we're also feeling much more healthy. When I wrote this it seemed like we would never get over the afflictions of our household, but we're seriously crossing our fingers that we're over it now. Both boys are still sporting a slight cough, and Kadon is clinging to his runny nose. Brooklyn still seems somewhat congested and requires a vaporizer at night, but has stopped vomiting mucous and requiring the three times daily blue-bulb-syringe-of-death. Today I spent the better part of the day washing every scrap of bedding, blanket, stuffed animal, toy, dish, doorknob, lightswitch, and toilet in the house, hoping to ensure that the virus wouldn't find it's way back into our system. Here I sit, with a sparkling home and near-healthy kids. Does it get better?

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