Friday, February 15


I've been tagged by Laura.

Pick up the nearest book (one of at least 123 pages). Open the page to 123, find the 5th sentence, and post the next 3 sentences. Tag 5 people.

Mine is The Dark Mirror by Juliet Marillier.

"I swore fifteen years of my life to this task, and fifteen years I will give, more if I must, to see it through. Drust's anxieties are one thing. We speak tonight of the future of Fortriu; of the very survival of our people."
"Fine rhetoric," Talorgen commented, "but of no avail should the gaels gather themselves to strike in two years, in four years, in five. How long can we wait for our new king while hte old one slowly weakens and our enemies draw close?"

I must note, I haven't even made it this far in this book, because I just started it. In fact, if anybody has read, or heard anything about, this book or author, I'd love some input. It's not my 'normal' style of book, but I'm trying to branch out a little bit.

Anyway, I tag: Cindy, Mary, Colleen, Meagon, and Alisha


David and Alisha said...

Huh? I'm guessing I'm suppose to do the same thing. Well here goes. Ok, my book is The Doula Book (I'm certifying to become a doula so these are the kind of books that are surrounding me)

"I expressed that I was worried that for some reason my labor would be like my sister's and that I wouldn't ever go into labor and she replied, 'You might not. I never did. I need pitocin for all my deliveries.' "

This is kind of funny because that is EXACTLY what happened to me!

Now what?


Victoria said...

Hey Li-the idea is to post it on your OWN blog, and then you 'tag' five people that read your blog to do it on THEIR blog. :)

David and Alisha said...

Hummm...well considering the last time I updated my blog was probably a year ago....I don't think I have too many readers...oh well. Sorry! I was unaware of this whole blog tagging thing.

Victoria said...

That's okay, I still love ya. :)