Monday, January 12


Kadon made an unfortunate discovery this afternoon. I got home from school and found the kids all up in their room with Grandma in tow. Mary and I sat and chatted for a few minutes, and while we were talking Jeremy approached me and said his head hurt. I absently held out my arms, and as he laid his head against my chest, I noticed how warm he was. I quickly got him situated in bed with some Ibuprofen, when kadon approached me with the same red-eyed, feverish look. I checked him as well, and found another fever brewing. I administered more ibuprofen, and then went back to the bathroom to fill a cup with some water for the boys.

I helped Jeremy sit up, and he drank half the glass. As per normal, I then took the cup and leaned down to hand it to Kadon. It was then that his unfortunate discovery was made. Before I could assist him into a sitting position, he grabbed the cup from my hand and tipped it directly over his face.

Those of you familiar with gravity can imagine what happened next.

His shriek was piercing.

My laugh was raucous.

His tears soon mingled with the sodden t-shirt he wore, and I sat laughing next to his side of the bed. After a few moments, I finally pulled myself together enough to gather him into my arms, and through my laughter say "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" over and over. He finally calmed down when I got him a dry shirt and moved his pillow to allow it to dry.

Hopefully this will be a learning experience for him. If not, I know where and how to always get a good laugh.


Unknown said...

Haha, kids!

Laura said...

I'm enjoying your music today...weird huh?

Alyssa said...

Those are always my favorite laughs-- the unexpected ones!