Sunday, March 29

Metal Chairs

Brooklyn has had a rough day. We got up this morning and went to church as usual, but just as the first set of meetings was ending and we were getting ready to change rooms and divide into groups, Brooklyn fell. She was perched on a large metal folding chair, and as she reached out for me, she slipped off the front of the chair shew as sitting on, and landed nose-first on the base of the chair in front of her. Her nose immediately started swelling and turning red, and though the blood was minimal, the nurse who attends our church was insistent I get her into the urgent care clinic to check for broken bones. I rapidly made arrangements for my boys to go home with somebody else when the meetings ended, handed my car keys to my good friend Joanna, and we jumped into the car. After a very short wait, we were assured by the doctor on duty that at Brooklyn's age, there is very little bone inside her nose. The cartilage is flexible, and the biggest worry that we have is that she may have deviated her septum, a problem that I will need to watch out for and seek further attention for later. She screamed and screamed when she fell and part of the way to the hospital, and then spent some time silently curled up in my lap, but by the time the doctor came into our room she was happily wandering around the exam room and playing with the table. After a dose of Tylenol and some basic instructions, we were even able to make it back to church in time for the last 20 minutes of the adult lesson.
I am so grateful that she's okay! I'm grateful that in my time of need, my wonderful church group once again surrounded me and offered assistance above and beyond what was needed. I had my choice of people to accompany me, and every faith that wherever my children ended up after the meetings, they would be well taken care of and happy when I returned. Somebody quickly found me some ice, somebody else gave me a hug and spoke reassuringly. This, my friends, is what comes of a mutual faith and devotion to God. I truly, truly believe that there is no greater resource for any sort of help than within the walls and among the people of my church. I love them, so much.
The doctor at the urgent care clinic warned me that Brooklyn will likely be sporting two very lovely black eyes by tomorrow morning. If that is the case, I will get out my camera again and take more pictures to document.


Amy said...

Oh, no! Poor thing!

Joanna said...

She looks like she is so proud sporting that thing! It looks better than it did earlier! Love ya!

SarahAnne said...

Poor baby! She looks like she doesn't even notice. I hope her pain stays at a minimum. (((HUGS)))

Moores said...

Ouch! She is so cute even with the sore on her nose. :)