Wednesday, December 17

I'm not THAT girl

Seriously. I'm not. In High School, I was the girl out back sneaking a cigarette with the upper-classmen. Phone number written on the bathroom stall? Probably mine. I played a different kind of music than everybody else, snubbed authority, and hung out with boys. I 'lost it' at fifteen. Not exactly something I'm proud of-but still. I'm not THAT girl. In a different town, I probably would have been one of the 'cool kids' for my rebellious ways. In the small town in Northern Utah I call home--I was ostracized. In a predominantly Mormon community, I was seen as a threat and as a troubled child. I'm okay with it, because the choices that I made then got me to where I am now--but still, I'm not THAT girl.

What girl? The girl who gets good grades. The girl who sits in the front of the class and knows all the answers. The girl who actually reads the textbook before class, and can quote references off the top of her head. The girl who stays up late working on a paper three weeks before it's due, and spend the next two weeks tweaking and perfecting. The girl who buys a special folder for the paper, and spends a full two weeks studying for the midterm and final tests. The girl who stays after class talking to the professor, and enjoys debating the finer points of a lecture. In high school, grades were not important. A C? D? Fine. Just so long as I don't have to repeat it. Repeating classes is bad, even when you're not THAT girl. I never studied (unless you count Drivers Ed)(I don't)(Even though it was a notoriously difficult class, and I had the strictest teacher)(apparently the desire to learn to drive a car outweighs the desire not to study)

But still. I'm not THAT girl. I never have been.

However, this girl? She just made the Deans List for winter quarter.

Don't worry. I'm still not THAT girl.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Victoria. That is a AWESOME accomplishment and you should be very proud.


Anonymous said...

You made me smile reading this. Congrats!!! This is an accomplishment.

David and Alisha said...

WOW! That is so awesome!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Camara said...

I love this post! Great Job! Go celebrate!

Sandra said...

Yay, Victoria! Way to go!


SarahAnne said...

Congratulations, Victoria! That is so awesome! You go, girl!

Kim said...

Good for you! Congratulations!

Heidi said...

Victoria, that is great news! Congratulations--that is a LOT of work and you should be very proud!