Monday, February 18

Winter Blah?

I've been feeling fairly 'blah' this weekend. I think I'm officially ready for it to be spring here in Ohio. I know my Utah readers are scoffing at my complaints, but those who are buried under umpteen million feet of snow tend to be fairly cranky anyway, so I'm going to ignore the scoffing for now. Mainly, I'm tired of the 'dead' feel of everything around me. I'm tired of dead grass, dead trees, and dead leaves on the ground. Winter without snow is just dead, ugly growth everywhere you look. This problem is only compounded when you live in an area that is so densely populated with trees and every other form of plant life. At least if there were snow, the kids could go sledding, we could build snowmen, and the area would look beautiful and fairly-tale like. Without snow? It's just all dead.
In other news, my parents are going to be here on Thursday. I admit, I was originally somewhat nervous about squeezing two more adults into our townhouse and trying to find something that screams OHIO to entertain them for five days, but at this point I'm just flat-out looking foward to it. We will be going to the aquarium, the children's museum, a famous local restaurant, and the biggest Air Force Museum in the united states. I also anticipate spending a lot of time sitting around and playing games, catching up on the last 8 months since we were last together. Sometimes, living far, far away from family can be a good thing, because it seems like when we lived 40 minutes away, we hardly saw each other. Daily life, family, and outside responsibilities regularly got in the way, and now we get to look forward to an uninterrupted week together. I can't wait to show my parents our little corner of the world, and hope they can appreciate how much we have come to love this area.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you are having a nice time with your parents. :)