Sunday, April 13


I posted this message on MySpace a little over a month ago. Deep inside, I knew this was coming. I knew it couldn't last. It doesn't make it feel any better, though.

I have been neglecting my MySpace, sorry about that. I don't even remember the last time I posted....let me think.

Things have been going fabulously for a while now, in fact they almost scare me in their fabulosity. Do you ever worry when life gets too perfect? Like you're worried for the other shoe to drop, waiting for some catastrophe to strike? Sometimes I think that we're all allotted a certain amount of happiness, and because I'm destined for some major suckiness later in life, I better get my shot at perfection now. Perfect husband, perfect kids, perfect life. In the meantime, we're just trying to live life to the fullest and enjoy ever minute that we get. Sometimes, perfection rocks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The great think about our religion is we have a better understanding of the whole plan of happiness. It doesn't make it easier, I think it just makes it a tiny bit more bearable. We know what is after this life, and we know what to expect.