Tuesday, July 18

Bee Sting

Today I had the kids seek relief in the wading pool, which I set up on the grass outside our apartment. After a while, some other kids about Jeremy's age came out to join us, which left Kadon feeling a little left out. He was off exploring the bike rack, when I heard his blood-curdling, frantic scream. I could only assume that he had been stung by a bee, since they are plentiful this year, and when I reached him, the large welt on his arm only confirmed my suspicions. In his hurry to get to me, he fell and hit his head on the sidewalk, but his poor arm throbbed so much that he hardly noticed the scrape on his forehead. I quickly got him in the house, rubbed some aspirin on his sting (an old wives tale? I don't know, but it seemed to work) and tried to get him calmed down. I even went to the trouble of jumping on the internet and doing a quick search on bee stings, to find out what to look for in the event of an allergic reaction. I wanted to be especially vigilant, since it is his first bee sting. Anyway, I fed him some leftover popcorn, and he seemed to be fine, and is now sleeping peacefully. Goodnight all, and Ammon, I hope this has helped you feel not quite so far from home!! We love you!

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