Thursday, July 20


The elephants were the very first enclosure that we came to, and it was at that moment that I realized that this visit to the zoo was going to be an incredible experience for me, as well as for my children. See, I haven't been to a real zoo since I was about Jeremy's age, and so most of these animals that we were able to see are animals that I have never seen other than in stories, or pictures. As we were standing outside the elephant enclosure, the largest elephant started walking toward us to gather up some straw and eat it. Of the dozen or so children gathered on the platform, I was easily the most excited child or adult. I was jumping up and down, laughing, and crying all at the same time, I was so excited to see such a sight. In fact, I think throughout most of the day, Emily and Christina had more fun with my excitement than they did actually seeing the animals!

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